הרב המקובל שמעון דהן דהאן שליט"א HaRav HaMekubal Shimon Dahan Shlita HaRav HaMekubal Shimon Dahan Shlita: 16 באוק׳ 2007

עבור תרומות לעמותת זוהר הרקיע:

תרומה לעמותת זוהר ההרקיע

HaRav HaMekubal Shimon Dahan Shlita

HaRav HaMekubal Shimon Dahan Shlita
הרב שמעון דהן (דהאן) שליט"א

יום שלישי, 16 באוקטובר 2007





בראשית-נח" להורדה/האזנה לחץ

מעניני הפרשה:

בראשית: מדוע מתחלה התורה באות "ב" מודגשת וגדולה? מהם כלי עבודותו של בורא עולם? , האותיות וחיותן, חיות האותיות מכח הלימוד וההגיה בפה, הכל נברא מכח האותיות, סוד הקבלה מהו? , הכח של בראשית, סדר הבריאה היגיון מול מציאות הבריאה האלוקית, שאלתו של אור החיים הקדוש: מדוע לא כתוב איך ברא השם את היסודות שאיתם נברא העולם?

לאן חותר סדר הבריאה? עבור מי? ולשם מה? , האדם תכלית הבריאה ולמה לא נברא במהלך אחד אלא בשלבים?

בורא עולם מעורב בכל תנועה וחיות שיש בעולם, לאדם יש חמשה חלקים רוחניים נפש, רוח, נשמה, חיה, יחידה.

עולמות האצילות בריאה יצירה ועשיה איך באים לידי ביטוי בפרשה? אם רשום זכר ונקבה ברא אותם אז מדוע מוזכר אדם לבדו או אחד? , האשה הרוחנית שקדמה לאישה השניה שלקח אדם הראשון מה קרה איתה? , מה הכוונה באישה שניה שלקח אדם הראשון שנאמר בה "לזו יקרא אישה" ? , מה העניין שאדם הראשון בוחר דווקא ממה שבורא עולם אסר אותו עליו? הנחש קדם לאדם הראשון ופה התעוררה הקנאה שבגללה הלך הנחש אצל חוה להחטיאה, הנחש הוא סוד הבחירה בעולם שנברא קודם שהאדם מתחייב במצוות, הנחש היה דומה לאדם הראשון ובשל זה חוה טעתה בזיהוי ופה חטאה, אכילה הוא סוד חיבור, מה קרה שאדם הראשון מתחבא מהשם לאחר שחטא באכילה? , מה אשמה האדמה בקלקול של הבריאה? להראות שיש בחירה בעולם, בחירה שורשה גבוה עד אין חקר ותכליתה להיטיב בשכר הבחירה בין טוב ורע, ואין לחקור בבחירה.

עקבו של אדם הראשון היה מכהה גלגל חמה מה הסוד הזה? סדר כניסת חמשת החלקים הרוחניים באדם ותפקידם.

מה הוריד אדם הראשון בחטאו? הנשמות שכרגע יורדות בעולם שלנו וייחודיותם, סוד פקיחת העיניים של "ותפקחנה עיניהם" ,

פרשת נח: צדיק יחידי בעולם שבעבורו בורא עולם ממשיך את העולם ומחדשו, תולדותיו של נח, צדיק רק אם עמד בניסיון, מה קורה עם הנשמה לידתו, הכל בידי שמים חוץ מיראת שמים, צדיק ורע לו למה?, מדוע יש ייסורים? ההבדל בין סוגי ייסורים והתכלית שלהם.

בורא עולם תמיד מגלה לצדיקיו מה הוא מתעתד לעשות, חורבן העולם קרוב, מי שנשאר מנח אלו הם שם חם יפת וחסר אות "מ" כדי שתושלם לידת העולם שזה סוד "משיח" שמתעבר תוך התיבה תוך הרחם של האם, התיבה היא סוד הדיבור שזהו "שיח" וזו לידת העולם הרוחני מכח הדיבור שאדם מוציא מפיו וזה הכוונה "מוות וחיים ביד הלשון" , משיח צדקנו הוא כולו בסוד הפה וכוחו בפיו.

סוד חורבן העולם מתחיל ברגע שירצו לחלוק את ירושלים, כל מי שמוותר על גרגיר כלשהו מירושלים כל מה שנקרא ירושלים אין דמו יהודי ואין מי שיעיז להתיר לחלק את ירושלים וימשיך לחיות, וכיום מנסים לכפות על עם ישראל במשחק דולרים לוותר על שטחים ובין השאר גם ירושלים עומדת על הפרק והשיטה היא לבולל את העם היהודי עם גויות תוך השקעת משאבי שפע כלכלי, נשים ומודרניזציה, ודריסת רגל מערבית בתוך ארץ ישראל, להם יש תוכנית ולבורא עולם יש תוכנית משלו ואז נראה את גילוי משיח מכיוון שעם ישראל הוא עם לבדד ישכון ורק אז יהיה שלום ובורא עולם הוא ילחם,
כיום העם העזתי הוא עם של ממזרים שנולד מחילופי נשים וניאוף, צריך רק לא לטעות ולא ולוותר על שטחים של ירושלים.

Bereshit - ב


{G-d Created the World To Bestow His Goodness on us}

  1. The Letter Bet ב – is enlarged, punctuated with a dot, 2nd letter of 22 and numerical valu of 2. What was there before creation? The letters came before G-d and asked to create the world with them. The letters have energy and soul; the letters become inflamed with our learning and moving, like the fire that comes out of the burning coal with moving and shaking them. The more we learn and go over our learning, the more letters shine and emit more light shining thru our faces. Our souls also born from the letters like everything else. The letter Bet was chosen to lead creation because it spells B’lessings. The letter A (א) was rejected because it also starts the word curse. G-d created the world to fill it with His Blessings. The purpose of creation is to receive G-d’s affluence (to be earned).

  2. The Book of FormationG-d combined letters into permutations to create everything. The Hebrew letters are the building blocks of creation done by G-d uttering worlds (let there be); this is the power of speech. The letters carry out G-d’s commands; He says and it’s done. The letter Bet is also Bayit or home, G-d created a home for His divine presence to dwell and to contain His light. The letter Bet has a roof; a wall, an entrance and a floor, just like a house. The dot inside the Bet is like the bride entering the house.

  3. Bereshit can be rearranged to mean various meanings: fear of G-d, creation of the 6 dimensions, Sabbath, the first month Tishre (Tikkune Zohar expounds 70 ways). Visualizing the word Bereshit can lit up our souls and fill darkness with light. G-d started building, creating, from top down; the heavens and then the earth (the roof then the floor) to indicate no beginning or end to Him, the Infinite.

  4. Orach Hayim asks: G-d created Shamyim (heavens), which means Esh V’mayim (fire and waters) but the 4 elements of creation dirt, fire, air and waters were not mentioned as being created? He created the world with 10 utterances and combined opposites like Shamayim (heaven) made of fire and waters. But we repeat blessing for them to show He created it all. Also he asks why is fire hidden and must be ignited? This in order to impress upon us the nature of fire (judgment) that consumes and destroys and must be controlled. If G-d had created fire the same way He created waters, it would have consumed the entire world.

  5. Man was Created Last – G-d prepared the entire creation for man, but should man become arrogant, he will be reminded that a small fly predated him (VASHTY the queen spells YATUSH or fly she was arrogant). The creation of man is paramount to everything and is told in various ways: Let’s make man in our image, G-d created man in the image of G-d, G-d has formed man and G-d blew in his nostrils the spirit of life. The rest of creation has a life force adequate for existence called NEFESH that is found in animals too. G-d’s life force is in everything; nothing is sustained without Him this includes our speech and motion. There cannot be existence outside of Him. The intensity of the Life force inside the recipients varies according to our preparation to receive the light.

  6. ABIYAH – Atzilut, Yetzirah, Beriah, Assiyah and above them Adam Kadmon. Man received 5 spiritual parts (Nefesh, Ruach, Neshama, Haya and Yechida) that motion man physically and spiritually; against 5 upper words. This is why it says “Naaseh” (Assiya), “VaYivrah” (Beriya), “Vayetzer” (Yetzirah), “and Vayipach” (Atzilut) ... Beapav Ruach Hayim. Also, it says he was created “Male and Female”, then “Could Not Find Him a Mate”, then “Took a Rib”. It says LeZoth Yikare Isha – this will be called wife. It must follow that there were 2 Eves (Hava) Hava1 and Hava2. The first Hava was highly spiritual but out of which came defiled spirits. This union failed and it is as if Adam was along. Adam divorced her and she became the mother of the negative and defiled spiritual forces along with the angel Sama-el that is know as Nachash of snake that temped Hava2 because of jealousy and caused her to sin and produce Kayin (jealousy). Hava1 was from Etzem (bone), or higher spiritual level; but Hava2 was from flesh or lower spiritual level.

  7. The Tree of Good and Evil – Adam and Eve were warned not to eat from this tree that contains both good and evil; they were made responsible to care for the Garden of Eden and the Animals (zoo keepers) against the evil forces of destruction. The Snake was previously in charge and became jealous of the new garden keepers. Like Adam, the Snake was also male and female. The female part became jealous of Hava2 who was defiled and out of which came Kayin with defilement. Eve was very pretty as was Adam who was pretty too. The female Snake caused Eve to sin (one female trips another) telling her G-d does not want you to eat from this tree lest you shall become like G-d knowing the distinction between good and evil, a necessary knowledge to keep the garden and the animals. She ate the apple and gave Adam and the animals, a sin from which we still suffer today and is responsible for mankind’s ills.

  8. Free Choice – Evil was in existence before Man to give us freedom to choose. This is the way we are born with the evil part until 13; after 13 and 1 day the good part joins in. The Snake and Adam looked alike; it was necessary to have both. This duality continued in Kayin and Hevel, Yaacov and Itzhak, Mordechai and Haman etc., Hava could not distinguished between Adam and the Snake telling G-d the Snake “married” me.

  9. Eating and Cursing – means to unite matters together much like the mouth that unites voice and moist air to make speech (letters unite into words). Same as man and woman uniting into one flesh to create. G-d asked Adam what did you do? He blamed Hava and she blamed the Snake who was immediately cursed and only later did man was cursed. Hava was cursed with painful child bearing and menstruation. Finally, Adam cursed with having to work hard and the earth was cursed because it rebelled by not producing a bark tasting like the fruit. G-d initial purpose was to bestow blessings, and now curses instead – this is against the purpose of creation. This is because G-d introduced Free Choice into existence in order to reward the righteous and punish the wicked. We cannot appreciate “good” unless we have comparisons to “evil”. And we also must earn the “goodness” we get from G-d – to make the distribution of the affluence justly.

  10. Adam’s Spirituality - had height and lofty 5 spiritual heights against the 5-piritual worlds. B’Heh Beraam (created them). A baby is born into Assiya or World of Making (this world) and until 13 his interest are the physical world. He wants everything now. He is governed by the Nefesh and is uncompromising and not amenable to substitutes. The fetus governs the will of the pregnant woman that after being born he has huge powers over his mother. He has a strong Nefesh. At 13 he gets Ruach (Naar) talkative like the donkey. Our ability to control our eating habits is paramount to spiritual growth and maturity. Strong (Animal) desires indicate a contaminated Nefesh, which resides in the polluted liver. Lawyers, politicians, professors, salesmen, presidents, statesmen and the like have strong Ruach and can make a nice living of it by developing it well. These people have purified their Ruach to a higher level. The 3rd force is of the soul and is the power of thinking that’s the highest. It requires no speech or anything – he is only in deep thoughts and this prevents him from sin. Adam had such a level and he sinned in his thinking to choose poorly. There are 4 levels: Wisdom, understanding and Daat that divides into 2. He could have employed the lowest level or the highest level of thinking – but he chooses to employ the lowest intelligence level – this was his real sin – not using his full capacity. Much like today when people barely use a minimal portion of their brain capacity. In the future (Olam Haba), the righteous will enjoy these superb brainpowers and enjoy the divine presences of G-d. These brains have started to appear now in 2007 babies with purified brains who will do very little but will be great thinkers – all brains, with less materialism, food and idle talk. They will be highly intelligent. We live in times that the world, as we know it can end and give way to new existence. What we see with our eyes is falsehood from the back because our vision is from the back (that hurts when we strain our eyes). In the future we will see like Adam with our frontal eyes and see the truth. This is what is meant G-d destroys and rebuilds new worlds, when He renews our existence. It is not revealed to us how the final new worlds will be – they are like a sealed garden


  11. Ten Generations From Adam to Noah – man was suppose to live 1,000 years but because of sin, his life span was reduced to 120 years or less. Mankind did not appreciate the life G-d gave them and rebelled against him. No one today lives over 120 years as a result. Noah found favor in the eyes of G-d, he was the only righteous, for one like him it’s worth to continue mankind existence, G-d called him Tzaddik or righteous to reach that level one MUST be tested by allowing Satan to challenge his piety; and only if passed the test, will that man be called righteous (like Yossef who passed a test or Job, Abraham, Moshe, etc.,). And is called living because he overcomes sins and remains alive. This is the freedom to choose that G-d gave us, it’s the foundation of existence in this world and thru it we earn our strips.

  12. Free Choice – is Bechirah, same as Bericha or flee away; don’t try to understand how it works and don’t ask “if G-d already knows the outcome where is the freedom to choose?” This is why G-d gave us the Commandments: to perform even if we do NOT always understand the WHY’s? Not everything is eligible for comprehension. It’s not for us to know what G-d’s thinking? His knowing of what we are going to do is of no consequences of what we must do and it should NOT bother that. The wicked think that since He already knows what I am going to do, let me then go ahead and do it – it’s predestined! – It’s not; we have the choice to do good or bad even as the final outcome is known to G-d.

  13. The Angel Hora – brings the sperm to G-d and asks what will be of it? G-d gives the angel all the details of what it be if from birth to death except if it will be wicked or righteous? To indicate the person behind this drop has a choice to be righteous or not and whether of not he will have the awe of G-d? We can never contend that everything is predetermined and we have NO choices to make; that the end results are set therefore we are here only to carry out our predetermined Hollywood role in a pre planned movie. Therefore, based on this, one permits himself to choose NOT to follow the will of G-d which in itself a choice too. This person uses the “we have no choice” argument to defy G-d. After all it was told to Angel Hora what’s going to be of me? G-d DOES not say wheather one will or will not do certain things only that what one does will be either with awe of God or not. The proof is in that we do not always do what our parents tell us to do or even our employers or the law. (In the rectification of Tikkun Shovavim we repeat: Noah found favor in the eyes of G-d)

  14. Rabbi Yochanan – was suffering and sage came and freed him immediately from the pain. There are 2 types of suffering those intended to punish and those given out of love to cleanse us. The suffering for punishment are to remove a person from this world. How do we know if the pain and suffering we have are for our good? If it does not interfere with our thinking and does not lead us to bitterness. Pain and suffering is a yardstick to gauge if the person is righteous or not.

  15. The Arc and the Secret of MashiachG-d reveals to Tzaddikim his intention and so He tells Noah He is about to destroy the world. Noah builds plants the trees, cuts them and builds the Arc telling everyone the world is about to be destroyed. He was laughed at and ridiculed. Only Noah and his 3 children and their wives enter the Arc. In the names of his 3 children is the secret of Mashiach: Shem (ש) Cham (ח) Yafet (י) and with a (מ) spells Mashiach. He was supposed to have a 4th child. The secret of the Teva (arc), is the secret of the womb that is known in Kabbalah as Mem (מ). The Arc is like the fetus surrounded by waters and is the secret of Mashiach. The fetus does everything according to the will of G-d and harms no one. This is why it is said on certain people they are so pure like babies. The purity of the baby represents the rectified world without sin. And what will happen thereafter depends on our speech and the words we use.

  16. The Power of MashiachWhen we talk we insert our soul into the words that go to some spiritual world that will be revealed in time of Mashiach. We will be able to tell if the speech was from holiness or defilement, everything is recorded. Life and death depend on the tongue (words) that we inserted in the arc – good, bad, love, hate, evil intentions or good intentions. This is why שיח of Mashiach denotes speech! This is the secret of what will be revealed in the future – clean speech done in holiness by which we can create angels and the world will be rectified with holly speech. No wonder laws are enacted against malicious speech. Mashiach is coming to rectify our ill speech to make it holly (like G-d’s holly speech). If we learn to speak the right way, the right time, the proper tone, pronunciation, clarity and with sweetness, we can bring peace between man and wife, wisdom to our kids, pleasantness to our friends and associates, influence young people positively, affect our destiny, get the promotion, make friends, find a soul mate, remove anger, find favors in the eyes of others. One can get anything with the power of speech. This is why the power of mashiach in his mouth! With his mouth he will destroy a nation and with his mouth he will resurrect the dead. This capacity started with Noah – the capacity of the mouth! To the end of the book of Bereshit, it will be shown that the power that came down from heaven is the power of speech.

  17. Dividing Jerusalem – any Jew who agrees with giving back one grain of sand of Jerusalem is NOT a Jew. It is where G-d’s home is and NO one will dare to give it none Jews lest that person shall die in that year. The Israeli Government intentions are to yield control of Jerusalem and the entire country to the US who will try to uproot us from our Judaism. The US being a Christian country is holding onto a false religion by turning a simple Jew 2,000 year ago into G-d and they do not know how to extricate themselves out of this falsehood and paganisim. Only the Jew is left as testimony that G-d is not a man. The world tried to burn us, expel us, persecute us, fight us, and bribe us – to no avail. Since Islam and Christianity saw they cannot annihilate us, they are now assimilating us. So far ¾ of us have been assimilated throughout the world in the last 60 years. By letting us rise to the top in every profession, be in government, industry, the media and intermarriage. They (Esau and Ishmael) have won big and succeed in their mission to uproot us from our only true faith. Now Christianity’s goal is to turn the entire Jewish people to Christians – their salvation and next world depends on that. After the Americans get control of the temple mount, they will attack Iran as a payoff for taking over Israel’s spiritually, bringing in their system of government, technology and institutions. Everyone will become Yankee with a Bostonian accent. Christianity and Islam are under the false notion that they are now the chosen people; but the prophecies of return are proven them wrong.

  18. G-d’s plan – is different, the US attempt to assimilate Israel will merely wake up huge spiritual forces among us to spread a divine light from the G-d of Israel to destroy everything that is not Jewish in our Jewish home. No other nation can rise in the land of Israel – but the Jewish people. No nation was ever able to thrive on the land of Israel but the children of Israel. This is why there will never be a Palestinian state on the land of Israel – there never was. But the notion of a Palestinina state plays well into Christian theology – it will be a sure sign that G-d abandoned Istrael. The conflict in the Middle East is not about land; it’s about who is theologically right?. This is written in the Torah that no other nation can co-exist with the people of Israel as it is said, “Israel will dwell separately”. Peace will never come to the world until all the non-Jews leave the land of Israel. This is mentioned in Bereshit “... to the Gaza” referring to the Palestinians as the products of families that switch wives producing bustards (Rashi). They are bastard people and not a nation at all; they merely came to grieve us until we return to our father in heaven. The media and government will create poles to show that for peace the Jews will be willing to give up everything even the walling wall and the Temple mount. There will never be peace with them. G-d willing we remain steadfast and we shall merit redemption from G-d. This scenario of a Palestinian states also plays well in the hands of those rebelling against G-d and who refuse to do His will. The forces of darkness are united everywhere as it says in Tehillim: “... Lehishamedam Ade Ad”

Rabbi Aderet: Based on the Midrashim and the Ari:

  1. Noah is the only one being called Tzaddick by G-d; why do others challenge it by saying “had he has been in a different generation” he would not have been?

  2. Et HaElokim Hithalech Noah (he worshipped G-d out of fear) while in the case of Abraham: Asher Hithalachti Lefanav (he worshipped G-d out of love) being Slave

  3. Noah did not pray for his generation, instead he just followed the commands to build the Arc, by planting the trees, getting nails from Shem’s factory and gathering food for one year (figs). He is ordered to bring animals for sacrifices. He needs to learn to care for humans by practicing to care for animals for 1 year.

  4. Enters the Arc at age 600, feed the animals, live in a terrible smell, got hit by the lion for being late; and after 40 days he sends the crow (male mate of the pigeon)

  5. Coming out after one year – instead of offering sacrifices immediately, he reverts back to his nature of judgment and plants a vineyard to make wine (judgment) and become a farmer. Satan slaughters a lamb, a lion, a pig and a monkey and mixes the bloods that cause the vineyard to grow instantly. He makes wine, get drunk and exposes himself naked. His son Ham castigates and sodomizes him (G-d’s acquiescence)

  6. Bereshit 5:29 the word זה had 2 cantilations (telisha ketana and gershayim) to signify Noah that was born to Lemech (killed Kayin, reincarnated into Shaul Hamelech that fell on his spear to rectify Lemech killing of Kayin) מלך=למך

  7. The 2 cantilation to signify Noah will reduce the pain of existence having born with the fingers open and having invented the plow

  8. The Ari – Noah held on the mida gevurah HaKasha (harsh judgment) too well:
    1. Noah is afraid of G-d (Et HaElokim Hithalech Noah)
    2. Does not pray for his generation (not connected to mercy)
    3. Does make the sacrifices and instead
    4. Makes wine, get drunk and expose himself (Din Kashe)
    5. Instead of becoming a shepherd, he invented the tills the land (din)
    6. He sends away the Crow (Zachar=Mashpiah) Chessed; keeps Yona (Din)

  9. Now we can understand why in the generation of Abraham Noah is not such a Tzaddick since Noah cannot connect to Chessed and mercy like Abraham (much like Kayin (Din) who brought flask (Din) as sacrifice, as oppose to Hevel who brought cattle (Chessed)

  10. Noah was suppose to become a shepherd to rectify Hevel thoughts and whose animals grazed on Kayin’s field, stealing some grass

  11. Our purpose here is to do Chessed all day long – not to be connected to Din; G-d has plenty prosecutors – he needs defenders of his people like Moshe that prays and defends Am Israel


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