הרב המקובל שמעון דהן דהאן שליט"א HaRav HaMekubal Shimon Dahan Shlita HaRav HaMekubal Shimon Dahan Shlita: 15 ביולי 2007

עבור תרומות לעמותת זוהר הרקיע:

תרומה לעמותת זוהר ההרקיע

HaRav HaMekubal Shimon Dahan Shlita

HaRav HaMekubal Shimon Dahan Shlita
הרב שמעון דהן (דהאן) שליט"א

יום ראשון, 15 ביולי 2007




פרשת "מטות-מסעי" להורדה/האזנה לחץ כאן

מעניני הפרשה: הפרשיות שחותמות את ספר במדבר, סיום התורה (ספר דברים הוא משנה תורה) , הלכות לשון הרע-רכילות, איסור הגברת שנאה בין מדנים, עניני הפה המצויים בפרשה, סוד עש"ן = עולם, שנה, נפש שהוא סוד הדיבור שיוצא מהכח לפועל "נפשי יצאה בדברו" , אדם מוגבל לדיבור לצרכי הנפש אולם לא לדברי תורה, סוגי הנדרים וענינם, החומרה שבנדרים שלא מקויימים ע"י האדם ובפרט בדברי מצוה, חשיבות האמת הפנימית של האדם מול בוראו, כח השבועות והמעשה של ר' יהושע בן לוי, חשיבות וכח הדבור של האדם, מוסר בענייני הדיבור, החורבנות שהביא השם בעולם והחורבן הרביעי שעתיד להיות שהוא מיסוד הרוח, העניין בנקמת מדין, מדוע נקמה מאת המדינים ולא ממואב על פי הפנימיות בשל נשמות של מלכי ישראל ומשיח צדקנו שהיו תוך העמים האלו, מדין סוד הדין והקטנות של האדם, החיובי והשלילי שבדין, מה העצות לאדם שנמצא במצב של דין, מים,שתיקה, בכי, תפילה וצדקה ממתקים דין, איך בקש השם ממשה למתק הדין מעל עם ישראל בנקמת מדין לפי הקבלה, מהו דין מצד הקדושה, הגוים יראו את ההשגחה של השם על עמו בזמן האסונות שעומדים להתרחש בעולם, וירצו הגוים גם כן השגחה כזו אך אז יבינו שהם לא מסוגלים לקיים מצוות כמו היהודי כדי לזכות בהשגחה כזו כפי הניסיון שמובא בגמרא שהשם יביא עליהם בעניין קיום מצות סוכה, כיום המציאות שלנו אנו כבר נמצאים במהלכים של הנהגת משיח שעובר שלבי גדילה רוחניים, עניין גבולות ארץ ישראל מהתורה


1. Lashon Harah – negative speech leads to increased strife among people and we are NOT permitted “fuel” such devastating speeches and convince ourselves since “the two people already hate one another” I am safe in indulging since the damage is there already. It is forbidden to increase hatred and evil speech and its forbidden remind someone of an outstanding hatred he has towards others.

2. The Mouth – is the totality of the person, from which everything begins – good and bad; even creation started with speech. Speech is the most important part of humans and Israel is the mouth of the universe. Torah was given for the mouth to recite “And you shall speak it day and night” to rectify the mouth.

3. Vows – the parasha starts with “should a person make a vow” affirming that what a person says with his mouth, he must do! In parashat Pinchas we stated that he rectified the blemish of Zimri and Cosbi that translate into “lie”. G-d loves those who speak truth in their hearts and those keep what they utter in their heart. Surely those who utter promises with their mouth must carry them out. A person must do what he meant and certainly what he uttered! Refrain from making promises to lend money, to help, to visit the sick, or and any other positive commandment since people hang up on your promises and expect you to keep your word.

4. ASHaN – acronyms of World-Year-Soul only when we have these 3 elements do we go from the potential to the actual. World (place), Year (time) and Soul (speech) as it’s written: “my soul came out as he was speaking” G-d gives every newborn a set amount of words to to speak – the more the person speaks, the faster he comes to the end of his allotted speech and end of life. This allotment does not include Torah learning that is “your life and years of live”. Speech is a currency that if all spent will simply shortens one’s life! If a person merely contemplated to steal but did not – it’s not a sin. But if he enunciates his intentions to sin with his mouth – the sin will be committed at any moment.

5. The Sfira Yessod - Commandments are not vows because we are obligated to perform them. Pinchas killed the two sinners and G-d gave him a peace covenant as in the name of G-d’s Shalom. One is prohibited from saying Shalom in filthy places. The Vav in Shalom (Pinchas) is broker to signify lack or peace from lack of Godliness.

6. Adam’s sin was in the Sfira “YESOD” foundation, the 6th sfira of Z”A. The sin of the Egel (golden calf) happened when Moshe was “Boshesh” late in returning from the mountain for SIX hours. The number six is associated with falsehood that intensifies on Fridays. You must be brave to enter the kitchen on Friday while your spouse is cooking.

7. Until Kiddush time the nerves are boiling just like the boiling relations between nations and pressure from the boiling nuclear threat. Add to that boiling pressure of interpersonal relations, work, finances, health, obligations, global warming and the threat of continents sinking under water. The world is in global tension; the scientists have more credibility than the prophets.

8. The world was destroyed 3 times: flood, Sodom and Gomorah and the generation of Egypt. First time destroyed by water (flood), second time by fire (Sodom), third time by dirt (Egypt) and fourth time it will be destroyed by air (huge explosion)

9. It’s better not vow than vow and not keep – There are vows of positive and negative commandments vows not to drink wine or eat meat. To annul a vow requires a ceremony of “Hatarat Nedarim” of annulment of the vows. If a person promises to do certain things he cannot renege. Even if a wife says to her husband “I will not cook no more” she must annul her vow. The husband has the power to annul his wife’s vows by immediately say 3 times “Hufar Lach”, 3 time “Mutar Lach”, and 3 times “Machul Lach” annulled (3) permissible (3), forgiven (3).

10. Always say “Bli Neder” – without promise – Lest G-d will take your wife rendering you widower. Yaacov promised G-d to give tithe (10%) and suffered greatly for not acting on his promises in a timely fashion. One who makes promises and does not keep – he is a sinner. Promises not kept will cause a person to loose his spouse. You must keep what comes out of your mouth. A vow is a vow when related to commandments. A person who vows not to do certain things is making a vow (not for everything a person must say “bli neder”).

11. Prayers – What’s the difference between someone who just says and someone who makes a vow? Before the day of atonement we annul the vows. A person’s prayers are not accepted if he has outstanding vows. God summons an angel to the person who makes vows to safeguard him while the vow is fulfilled; thereafter, the vow must be done or else he is in peril from the angel who was lied to.

12. G-d is upset when a person promises and does not keep. Our strengths are only in our mouths “what distinguishes us from animals”? our speech! A person who lies or doe’s not keep his word is like an animal. A truthful person charges a price what he had in mind, not what he can squeeze from the buyers. The justice system in Israel is crumbling from overload of cases of people who are not paying their debt because of legal maneuvering. This will change when we recite the 18 blessings during the silent prayers asking G-d to return our judges of old” to do justice. Our entire justice system is corrupt and it mocks people who speak the truth as it says, “truth vanished and righteousness negated”. Truthful people are considered “square” – it is preferable to be stupid in the eyes of men than in the eyes of G-d. Whatever you promise to G-d and whatever is committed for Torah you must keep

13. Sanctity of the Mouth – when a person that sanctifies his mouth below, they sanctify his mouth above; and when he asks G-d something, G-d does it. Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi went to the entrance of the Garden of Eden in the dessert and when stopped by the angel of death, he took his sword and entered in; and swore that he will never leave. The angel complained to G-d who checked in his book to see if Rabbi Yohosua ever swore once falsely and it could not be found. G-d informed the angel that such a man’s vow will be upheld and he is permitted to stay even as he returned the sword.

14. If you keep your mouth clean and always keep your promises and say little; G-d will listen when you speak and will fulfill your request. Like a child who was always good and asks nothing; when one day he does, we are too happy to do. If you do G-d’s will, he will do yours; and if you ask to heal someone, G-d will grant your request. This is why the Babba Sali (Gate of Prayer) was able to heal and help people.

15. Those who Bless – come from the side of holiness and resemble G-d who constantly wants to impart blessing to the world and mankind. G-d makes such a person a conduit of blessing and affluence from Him. This man can never lie, be harsh, strict or curse and he will receive “Brit Shalom” covenant of peace like Pinchas. Those who constantly curse are from the side of impurity and defilement.

16. Words are Arrows that can Kill – measure your words carefully, they are like arrows that cannot be retrieved. Words can stab like daggers. Negative words are poisonous arrows that can turn good people into vicious beasts that kill and harm. People become criminals because they were exposed in their childhood to parents who cursed, got angry, lied and transferred this negative energy the kids who will grow up to become cruel a violent.

17. Even the inanimate objects hear “a stone from a wall shouts” and we affect them and in turn influence us accordingly. We have to be careful with our prayers to pronounce each word carefully since angels carry them above to the Thrown.

18. Midian – G-d is instructing Moshe to revenge the Midyanites while Moshe is still alive. Moav caused Israel to sin and yet we fight Midian, kill and destroy them and their cities while sparing Moav that tempted us with their women. After the fight Moshe can die; and all this because they intervened in a dispute that was not theirs (Rashi).

19. According to Sod, Midian are judgments – harsh situations, incomprehensible, cause depression, feeling of financial disaster, confusion, darkness, Katnut – very difficult time that causes a person to be angry, uptight, impatient. Moshe had bad midot (character) to the point that he killed a man. This is why he married Tzipporah to overcome the judgments and sever them and came out a winner.

20. There is positive and negative in judgment (Din) which nothing but a “test” that when one is such mode of Din, he must relax! Take it easy! Hurry up and wait patiently. Such a person is surrounded with harsh lights that he cannot control.

21. Rabbi Akivah and friend traveled the high seas and the ship sunk. The friend was saved but could not see what happened to Rabbi Akivah, he thought for sure he went down with the ship. But Rabbi Akivah appeared suddenly and told how he was saved – by bowing his head down to each and every wave until he was washed ashore. Waves are Dinim or judgments. If a person dreams of high seas and waves it means harsh Din present “all your broken waves past over me” The Sod of harsh judgment that come from the ocean or Malchut (the lowest sfira kingship). Yam or Ocean is full of Din from Elohim (Mi Eleh) because water is much stronger than dirt, wind and fire; it has the most strength.

22. Sweeten the Din – Rabbi Akiva turned around after he saw a boulder being pierced with mere drops of water – the secret of judgment. When you experience judgment – be quite, mute and freeze; and be like Aharon who became speechless in the face of Din when his 2 children burned (Nadav and Avihu – DiN). Aharon was the chief sweetener of Din for Am Israel. When a person silences himself, the Din passes out because it is timed out and becomes sweetened.

23. Moshe Sweetens Din – Winds of war; we being scared by scientist of impeding disaster from above the asteroids, from below the earthquakes, from the ocean huge waves, from the air nuclear blast. These are times of harsh dinim. G-d is instructing Moshe to sweeten the Dinim for Am Israel before Moshe dies – how? By conquering Midian (Elat) and kill all males and elligible females and leave only very young females. Moshe orders Pinchas to take 1000 troops from each tribe to destroy the seat of Dinim Elat (hot, fire).

24. Kill all the males that are inclined to aggressiveness to remove the Din and to enter the Land free of Dinim to experience a taste of the next world to come (the female brings out the male aggressiveness). The rest of the booty was many metals and animals representing the other impurities (klipot) that by right they should have destroyed too (like Yehoshua did in Jerico). It is for the same reason we are instructed to destroy the 7 nations in the land to remove the Dinim.

25. Dina Dekedusha – Din of holiness that is sometimes present in Din and is very useful. Yaacov told G-d after you bring be back safely to Israel, YHVH (mercy) will be my Elohim (Din) so us to be under the influence of Din that will allow Yaacov to reach higher levels. Sometimes we ask G-d to be strict with us so as to elevate us; cleansing us of sin thru din and elevate upward to mighty spiritual heights. This will causes the person to distance himself from sin, to pray each word with meaning. This is the highest level of spirituality. The Romans combed Rabbi Akiva’s skin with iron combs; he could have killed his oppressors but choose to die with Din of Holiness (Kedusha) like the other 9 martyrs who died in honor of G-d. This is why Yaacov shielded Dina from Esav so as not to cause him to repent and displace Am Israel from being in the forefront of worshiping G-d.

26. Reb Nachman says – If a person cries a lot, it is because he is sweetening the Din for lies he uttered rectifying the eyes that lie. The Zohar says tears also provoke mercy. If a person silence himself, G-d pins a whole world on that silence and can save the world and Am Israel from annihilation like Rachel who saved Am Israel for being silent. If a person suppresses his insults and does not react, G-d forgives his sins by counting that voluntary pain towards his existing sins. Voluntary pain counts for thousands of involuntary pains.

27. Shalom Bait – A person who suffers indignity is being tested by G-d to go to a higher level if he stays calm and silence. To keep shalom bayit, spouse who hear insults must not react! And this will cause them to rise up higher and higher.

28. Tzilah Dehimnutah – Clouds of faith, the Succa resembles the clouds of glory that protected us in the 40 years in the dessert and has the same properties. The clouds of faith of believers who trusted G-d.

29. The End of the World – The world is about to be destroyed but Israel will be spared; the Goyim will ask G-d why did you spare them? And G-d will answer: only those who did the commandments will merit to be spared and go on to the next world; the rest will not. They will ask G-d to give them commandments to do and G-d will test them with one commandment to dwell in the Succa. So they go and build it during Succot the time of Armageddon (nuclear blast).

30. The nations of the world will witness how the nuclear blasts do not harm the Jews (39 scuds missiles and 4,000 Hizbolah missiles did not harm us) this would cause them to want to live in the Succa and perform just one commandment. Then G-d will expose the Sun “Motzi Hama Minartikah” to cause temperatures to rise and the Goyim to kick out the Succa, failing to keep the Mitzva and lose the world to come.

31. Eliyahu will come and announce the coming of the great and awful Day of Judgment followed by a very hot day. We are in such era of revelation of Moshiach on small case and he is protecting us from various harm including military and economic regardless of is in the political power. It’s the spiritual powers of Moshiach that protect us.

32. Massei – division of the land by lottery and the demarcation of the borders. From the Lebanon, in the south Egypt to Elat, up to include Jordan (but not Amon), but not Saudi Arabia (Moab), and not Edom or Amon since 2 great females Ruth (Moabite from witch David came) and Naama (Amonite from which came Rechavam, Assa, Hizkiya, Yeshayiah and others. Amon and Moav had in them sparks of holiness and were spared. Syria also belongs to us to the top of the mountain. In addition, any place we step our feet in becomes ours.

33. The daughters of Lot – sustained the world by propagating with their father to populate earth so that G-d can continue to be King on earth. For these positive thoughts they were rewarded to have offsprings with spirituals powers from which Moshiach, Kings and Prophets came out. G-d has shown us many miracles and will continue to show us many more miracles.


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