הרב המקובל שמעון דהן דהאן שליט"א HaRav HaMekubal Shimon Dahan Shlita HaRav HaMekubal Shimon Dahan Shlita: 20 באוק׳ 2007

עבור תרומות לעמותת זוהר הרקיע:

תרומה לעמותת זוהר ההרקיע

HaRav HaMekubal Shimon Dahan Shlita

HaRav HaMekubal Shimon Dahan Shlita
הרב שמעון דהן (דהאן) שליט"א

יום שבת, 20 באוקטובר 2007



פרשת "לך לך" להאזנה/הורדה לחץ כאן

מעניני פרשת לך לך: הנסיונות של אברהם בתוך הציווי שמצוה אותו השם:פשט: לך לך, לאן? ומה קורה בדרך?, לוט והניגוד לאברהם, מלחמת ארבעת המלכים ולמה היא בתורה מספרת אותה?, ההבטחות של השם לאברהם, ברית בין הבתרים-מהי?

הגר מתעברת מאברהם-"ותקל בעיני גבירתה", הגר בורחת משרה המלאך מברך את הגר שממנה יצא ישמעאל-זרע מפוזר בכל העולם עד היום, פרא אדם

השם מתגלה לאברהם בגיל 99 ומבטיח לאברהם בן ואברהם משיב "לו יחי ישמעאל לפניך", הציווי לעשות ברית מילה על אברהם ולישמעאל.

סוד תרח ונחור, תרח הוא הריח, נחור הוא סוד אור נח, אברהם הוא סוד הרמח איברים שהם הכלים, הברכה נזקקת לכלי,

לך מהחומר ומהגשמיות, רק באחדות נדבקים בשם, לך לך הוא הגיל של אברהם (100) ואז זוכה לנשמה שלו לאחר שקיים מה שהשם אמר לו, סוד אות "ה", ברכת "מגן אברהם", השאלה של דוד המלך למה לא גם אלוקי דוד? , סוד "והיה ברכה", התיקון של תרח בסוד הגוף שהוא איוב, הניגודים בין הגוף לנשמה, סוד אור כשדים, אש התורה היא אש אוכלה כנגד כל אש אחרת, סוד תיבת נוח היא סוד האות "מ" של משיח, גילוי משיח הוא ע"י דיבור וכל הסוד שלו זה דיבור והוא סוד התיבה שהיא הפה שממנו נולדים הדיבורים, זיכוך הפה איך להגיע אליו? כל הדיבורים כיום הם סביב ירושלים.


{Go to be compete; for the light to enter the vessel and bear children}

  1. Abraham Being Tested – leave your birthplace in Haran to a land to be identified latter. No complains from Sarah. Met with famine and forced to go to Egypt, hiding the fact that Sarah is his wife although she is his sister from the father side but not the same mother. In Pharaoh’s mansion every one gets sick until they let go of Sarah. Pharaoh rewards Abraham with wealth and Lot his cousin becomes wealthy too. They all return to Canaan; Abraham stays, Lot goes to the rich but wicked Sodom
  2. The War of the Kings: - five kings against four; their names carry the names of the defilement (Tumaa). The five defeat the 4 but they are not satisfied and take Lot in order to capture Abraham too and get spiritual nourishment from him. One person escapes the war and tell Abraham who took 318 Yeshiva boys to fight; but in fact he only took Eliezer who was equal to 318 men; and in numerology Eliezer equals 318. Abraham throws dirt on the enemy that becomes arrows defeating them. The King of Sodom offers Abraham the booty but Abraham does not accept. Malchi-Tzeddeck (Shem, son of Noah) was the high priest and Abraham gives him 10% of everything.
  3. G-d is revealed to Abraham and is promised the land of Canaan will be for his children. G-d makes a covenant with Abraham who is informed that his children will endure 400 years of slavery.
  4. Hagar & Ishmael gives Abraham the servant maid Hagar (daughter of Pharaoh) to conceive a child. Hagar became insubordinate to Sarah who gets jealous and gives evil eye to the fetus that is aborted. Also, Sarah expels Hagar who went to the dessert and cried for mercy; G-d sends an angel who told her to go back to Sarah; and Hagar is promised great lineage impossible to count and 12 presidents. Ishmael is born to Hagar; he gets all the impurities from Abraham who circumcises everyone in his household when he was 99 and Ishmael was 13. Isaac is born a year latter and is circumcised at the age of 8 days old.
  5. Light, Vessels & Blessings Terach the father of Abraham is the secret of Re-ach, Nachor is the secret of Noach Ohr from the combination of the 2 Abraham’s vessel comes out and it’s the Ramach Evarim (248 parts of the body) that constitute the vessels and the Neshama, the light. The vessels receive blessings; the Neshama does not need the blessings. Blessings are physical vessels like the body and the wife that is the blessing of the husband; she is the vessel for the husband’s blessings and in her the blessings are found. At the age of 100 Abraham competed the vessel to receive the blessing and be blessing for others (Lech Lecha = 100). Now the lights can enter in the vessels. Go out of your land, birthplace and dwelling of your parents – to discover yourself and receive the light. To receive the light the person MUST be married; which means complete in 100 vessels and be one with his wife. Only in unity the light is revealed. When a wife is not in harmony with her husband, the next thing to go is his ability to receive the light, which affects adversely his health, wealth, and happiness.
  6. Absolute Faith in G-d – Abraham was commanded to leave his place of birth, the womb of his mother and separate from his parents. People who do not leave their parents prefer to be children forever. This is why G-d tells Abraham to go to the upper land where the soul can shine its light on him to receive the blessings. Sarah does not ask questions, he does not say how can I support her? How would I be able to pay the bills? Where would I get money Yeshivah tuition?
  7. Change of Name – G-d change their name, Abraham is the secret of EBER-M in Atzilut, Beriah and Mem for Assiya. But the Mem Sofit (closed) is replaced with regular Mem that is open (made of Caf and Vav) which is the secret of having children. To have children, barren women need to change their names to end with a Hey (Sarah, Elishevah, Bilhah, Zilphah); never give a girl a boy’s name, as this could harm their ability to procreate. Saray was a masculine name and Avram was feminine, by taking the Yud from Sarah, splitting it and gives Sarah a Hey to become SARAH and Avram a Hey to become AVRAHAM G-d reversed their gender to match their sex.
  8. Ishmael the First Born – received the harsh Din (judgments) of the parents Avraham and Sarah before the change of name. He took the defilement of both and became the skin that precedes the fruit (and protects it). Abraham was not circumcised when Ishmael was born and therefore Ishmael was born with imperfections; a wild beast of a man. Isaac was purer but not perfect since from him came Esau (in addition to Jacob); but Jacob was perfect and out of which came 12 perfect tribes.
  9. Abraham – in our 18 prayers we seal the prayer of patriarchs with his name and say ... MAGEN AVRAHAM. King David wanted the same honor but G-d said to him only Abraham is entitled to this since he passed trial tests. David asked to be tested but failed the test as reported with the incidence of Bat-Shevah. But in the blessing after the Haftara, we say indeed Magen David. Abraham listened to G-d as it is written ... EKEV ASHER SHAMA BEKOLI because he listened to my voice EKEV = 172 + 3 years that Abraham did not know G-d = 175 the number of years lived. He purified his soul not like the wicked who may have material success but connected to evil forces and spiritual defilement. Abraham initiated the blessings BARUCH ATA HASHEM ... prior to eating and asked his guests to bless G-d for the food. He knew his creator from the age of 3 after his parents abandoned him in a cave after he was born for 3 years; his father wanted him to be connected to forces of defilement and contamination.
  10. Terach the Father of Avraham – was reincarnated into Iyov (Job) and is the secret of the body that suffers pain during it’s existence, tested, seeks pleasure, quite, comfort, recognition, love etc., But the soul tries to calm the body and encourage it to purify itself so as not to be bothered with materialistic pursuits. The soul is in constant struggle with the body who struggles to wake up and to worship the creator. The body wants more sleep and less work. Abraham sees everyone and his father practicing idol worshiping and goes against them. One day a lady brought food to the idols so that they would cure her of her sickness. Abraham destroys all the idols but keeping the biggest idol and putting the ax in his hand and telling his father there was a fight over the food the lady brought and he destroyed all of them and got all the food. His father upset told him, the idols don’t move, talk, eat, or hear to which Avraham replied why then you worship them? Terach reported this to king Nimrod who told Abraham he would be thrown into a pit of fire and let the G-d that no one can see save you. Abraham survived the fire and did not want to come out; the angel Gabriel cooled the temperature in the pit. The place called UR CASDIM from the world of SHEDIM (devils). Haran his brother tried it and was burn and was reincarnated into AHARON who was suppose to jump into the fire from which came the golden calf (rectified after 4 reincarnations where he was killed).
  11. The Tzaddick – nothing bothers him, says NO to the body, to the desires, denies it freedom, and always holding the body with a leash controlling it. The souls enter us via fire to test us. Fire does not affect the Tzaddick or the person that learns Torah. But the rebellious atheist is burned immediately.
  12. The Mashiach – the Arc is the secret of the Mem of Mashiach; Eliezer = 318 when we add the Mem (40) we get Mashiach (358) that is the rectification of our speech. Everything is acquired by our speech by which we pray, learn Torah and sing. Proper speech can heal; bring happiness, wealth, health and peace. The entire world is now talking; the Chinese brought down the wall, the Russian the iron curtain, the Germans the Berlin wall; even the Arabs are talking to Israel.
  13. Jerusalem – the secular left has no ground to defend Israel soveirngty over Jerusalem since they are afraid to open the Bible and bring proof of Israel ownership from it lest the world will ask them how come you do not keep the commandments written in this book? A former Israeli UN ambassador once told the general assembly that after Moses removed his shoe to speak to G-d who spoke from the burning bush; Moses could not find his shoes at the end of the conversation. The Ambassador added that the Palestinians stole Moses’ shoes at which the UN observer for the Palestinians quickly remarked that there were NO Palestinians at the time and to which the Ambassador replied – precisely! The secret of the Arc is the inception of the clean and holly speech that will connect us and our soul to G-dliness; to bring us blessings from above.
  14. Sanctify The Name of G-d – Abraham took on himself to broadcast the name of G-d all over by the use of speech (contrary to the Christian Cross and the Moslem Sword). It’s our mouth against their Cross-; our mouth against their Sword! The goal is proper use of speech to redeem the world. The mouth was created to communicate with the divine presence of G-d. One can reach high and lofty spiritual levels with the use of his mouth by sanctifying the mouth. The mouth can bring salvation, victory and eternity – it all depends on good thoughts, Torah learning and Ethics. Abraham is the secret of the soul that we attain from above; the body is what can lead to idol worshiping. The soul can shine a light on the body to purify it, to break the desires of the body and increase the light of Torah. Ki Ner Torah Umitzvah Ohr.


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